Monthly Traffic
Understand what web hosting providers mean whenever they say ‘monthly traffic quotas’.
When any content is uploaded to a cloud website hosting account or downloaded using it, some web site traffic is generated and this is a feature that every single hosting package comes with. It's also among the attributes you need to take a look at, since how much website traffic allowance you'll need depends upon what exactly you need the account for. The web site traffic is mainly produced by downloads and this includes web site visits. Basically, whenever someone goes to your web site, the pages are downloaded from the server on their computer and they are afterwards displayed by their web browser. It's also recommendable to know that uploads are considered too, so that every time you copy large files from your computer to the server, some site traffic will be generated as well. Different suppliers sometimes have different names for this feature, for instance traffic, bandwidth, data transfer, yet all of them apply to the very same thing - the amount of incoming and outgoing data generated for a particular period of time.
Monthly Traffic in Cloud Website Hosting
Our Linux cloud website hosting are designed with the notion to take care of the site traffic generated by any kind of web site that can run in such an account. If you have one or several small or medium-sized sites, you will not be limited by the monthly traffic allowance no matter what content you may have - plain text and / or many images, for instance. The statistics inside the hosting Control Panel gives you in-depth data about the site traffic generated by every single site and the amount for the account as a whole. The statistics are updated live and display both the everyday and the monthly usage, so that you'll be aware of how much data is transferred to and from your hosting account at any moment. Day one of every month the counter is reset, but you'll be able to view the site traffic statistics for the past months, which will inform you on how your sites perform.