Catch-all Emails in Cloud Website Hosting
If you’ve got a Linux cloud website hosting with our company and you wish to enable the catch-all option for a certain mailbox that you’ve got in your hosting account, it will take literally just one single mouse click in the Email Manager section of your Hepsia Control Panel to do that. A catch-all button is available on the right-hand side of each email address that you have set up under any domain name registered in your account. You can choose one single email address per domain by clicking the respective button. This will enable the feature straight away, so all email messages sent to mistyped addresses will be received there. Clicking on the button again will deactivate the catch-all feature. In case you’ve got enabled email forwarding, our system will display a cautionary notice and you won’t be able to enable the catch-all feature till you disable the forwarding or you can simply pick some other mailbox to be the catch-all one.